Three misunderstandings of winter snow removal


On snowy days, playing in the snow is something everyone likes

Others like to show off their technology on the hood of their car



People who play in the snow are having fun.

But the owner of the car who was played by the snow suffered.

Get up early in the morning,

I saw the windshield was white,

frozen again,

What should I do?



With hot water? Or scrape it back and forth with a wiper?

If you're late for work for half an hour, don't tell me.

You might even destroy your car!

not to scare you,

If you don't believe me, look down


Clearing up the misunderstanding of ice and snow on the car


Misunderstanding 1: Use wipers to remove snow and ice

The wiper removes snow, which can remove the floating snow on the surface, but the

surface of the windshield is generally covered with a layer of ice, which cannot be wiped

off and will affect the sight. Moreover, the wipers are generally frozen in snow days, and

forcibly starting them will damage the service life of the wipers.



On the eve of snow, the wipers can be erected to prevent freezing. Just like this↓↓↓



Misunderstanding 2: Pour glass with hot water


Experts say that hot water melts ice and the windshield is at risk of bursting, so it can be

poured with glass water. Glass water contains alcohol, which melts ice quickly.


When pouring glass water, pay attention to pouring it slowly from the top of the windshield,

so that the glass water can penetrate into the ice layer under the snow, in order to achieve

the effect of rapid ice melting.



Myth 3: Cover the glass with newspaper


Some people on the Internet have suggested that they cover the glass of the car with

newspaper the night before the snow, and flip the newspaper in the morning to quickly

remove the snow.


In fact, this trick will not work, the newspaper will be frozen, stick to the glass, and it will

not be easy to clean. Because the temperature inside the car is higher than the temperature

outside the car after parking, once it snows, the first snow that touches the glass will melt,

wet the newspaper, and freeze.


Conditional car owners can cover the car with a car cover on the eve of snow.




You can also be simple and crude, disassemble the cardboard box, cover it on the car glass,

tie it with rope, or press bricks. The cardboard box will not stick to the glass, and now there

are so many express deliveries, it can just be used for waste.